Adult Day Program

A safe, respectful and healthy environment for adults who are 55 and older

Eligibility Criteria Recreational Calendar

About the Program

Trinity Village offers a safe, respectful and healthy environment for adults who are 55 and older, with a chronic illness, physical disability or memory loss. Held in The Gathering Place, the clients have their own entrance beside the Day Program Garden.

The program balances social, spiritual, emotional, physical, and cognitive stimulating activities in a cheerful, accessible and friendly environment, helping clients maintain or enhance independence and self-esteem. Enrolling your partner, family member or loved one in the Adult Day Program provides respite and support for caregivers.

Thank you for making this program an enjoyable experience day in and day out!

ADP Client

What's happening at the Adult Day Program?

Take a look at our recreational calendar to see what activities Trinity Village has planned for this month!

Recreational Calendar

Programs & Activities

The Adult Day Program offers a safe, respectful and social environment for adults who are 55+, with a chronic illness, physical and/or cognitive decline. We provide a variety of social, physical, emotional and cognitive stimulating activities in a positive and accessible environment. We aim to assist in the maintenance  and/or enhancement of our clients' independence and self-esteem. Our program also allows respite and support for care partners and provides information and referral to other community services and programs. 

Participation in such programs helps reduce isolation, loneliness and physical decline.

Some of the things that clients can look forward to include:

Active Games & Sports

Bocce ball, bowling, darts, balloon volleyball, shuffleboard, cooking, meal prep, pool, walking program.

Cognitive & Strategy Activities

Card games, board games, reminiscence, storytelling, writing, bingo.


Under the guidance and support of our dedicated staff, clients engage in creating an array of diverse crafts.

Music & Singing

Daily sing-alongs with a variety of live and/or recorded music or videos,  exploring songs through different decades.


Refreshments upon arrival, as well as a hot, delicious, balanced noon meal, prepared by the Trinity Village Café.

Special Events

We celebrate birthday parties with a monthly party. We also observe special occasions like Remembrance Day and Ash Wednesday. The program includes outdoor activities making use of our patios, walking trail and gardens.


S.M.A.R.T. exercise program (Older adults-Maintaining-Active-Roles-Together). Trained staff leads 30 minutes of exercise in every session. They focus on cardiovascular, muscular strength and endurance resistance training, flexibility and range of motion as well as balance and coordination. The exercise is designed for older adults, and varies between standing and sitting.

Eligibility Criteria

The Adult Day Program has a capacity of 30 clients each day. When program days are at capacity, clients are put on a waitlist for the next available day of service. Program referrals are made by health care professionals and other Community Support Service agencies.

Hours and Cost

Hours and Cost

The Adult Day Program operates on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m at a cost of $21/day (payable monthly with preauthorized payment).



The program has the capacity for 30 participants. When program days are at capacity, participants are put on a waitlist for the next available day of service.



Transportation service not provided but the program team can assist you with accessing existing community resources such as Mobility Plus, Community Support Connections, and Meals on Wheels.

Contact Us

Fill out this form if you're interested in joining the Adult Day Program. Please include your contact information so that we can get back to you as soon as possible.