Trinity Village Pets

We value the importance of pets in our life as they alleviate loneliness, boredom, and helplessness. Pets provide a sense of purpose for residents and spontaneity.


There are several cats residing throughout the Care Centre. Cats have been adopted through Mitchel Animal Hospital, which takes care of their vaccination and food at no cost.


There are two aviaries in the Care Centre. The big aviary rotates from house to house quarterly.

Our cockatiel, Sunny can be found in the Snyder Lounge of the Care Centre


The tanks are located in the main lounge at the Care Centre & Studios.


Our bee program is called BEEDEN is a combination of Bees and our Philosophy of care “The Eden Alternative” where we recognize the value our Elders have in participating in decision making through participating and planning programs to help in creating an environment that reduces feelings of loneliness, helplessness, and boredom.