About the Village Café
At Trinity Village, residents, families, friends, staff and visitors all enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of The Village Cafe. The Village Cafe is open to the public and is located in the Care Centre. You can dine in or during the nice weather outside in the Centreville Courtyard, Outdoor Haven or on one of the balconies. There are feature meals every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday along with regular menu items.
Trinity Village Café Menu
The Village Cafe offers the choice of either dining in or take out services. No time to cook tonight? You can pre-order from the Village Cafe and save yourself some time.

Meals on Wheels
Trinity Village Meals on Wheels is offered year round.
For One Time Meals on Wheels Services please contact 519-893-6320 ext. 309
For Scheduling On-Going Meals on Wheels Services please contact our Nutrition Manager by email or call 519-893-6320 ext. 230

As part of our sustainability and environmental initiatives, we promote the use of eco-friendly tableware and cutlery whenever possible. The Village Cafe strives to purchase locally grown food through our vendors when it is available and create menus to reflect local food selections.
The Village Café Hours
Monday 8am-2pm
Tuesday 8am-2pm
Wednesday 8am-2pm
Thursday 8am-2pm
Friday 8am-2pm
Closed on Statutory Holidays